Hi! My name is Todd R. Yarbrough, Ph.D. (Univ. of Tennessee 2013) and I am a Clinical Assistant Professor at Pace Univ. (NYC) and the Director of the Economics Program at Pace Univ. - Pleasantville. I primarily teach our senior capstone research methods course (ECO400); environmental economics (ugrad: ECO310 and grad: 610); and Microeconomic Principles (ECO100). I also teach contemporary environmental policy courses (ugrad: ENV210 and grad: EP640) in the Environmental Studies Dept. I serve as theses advisor for the Pace Univ. Honors College and Masters in Applied Economics Program, and advise the student-run Economics Society. In 2020 I published Microeconomics (Kendall-Hunt Publishing). A contemporary and concise interpretation of microeconomic principles.
I have created a fairly extensive number of videos of class lectures for various economics courses including microeconomic principles, environmental economics, and econometrics. You can find these lectures on my Youtube Channel linked to the left. I also create shorter form videos for Instragram and Tik-Tok.
My research tackles issues related to U.S. state and local fiscal policies, such as balanced budget rules and rainy day funds. In recent works with coauthors, we consider the fiscal and entrepreneurial effects of natural disasters. More recently I’ve started work considering the student outcome effects from air pollution in New York City. I have presented my work at the National Tax Association, The Southern Economic Association, and The Eastern Economic Association conferences among others. I am currently a reviewer for several academic journals including Public Finance Review and State and Local Government.